the daily grind

Dialling in the Grind

This should be done at the beginning of each service (Breakfast, lunch, dinner)

We want the coffee to be consistent throughout the day, so checking the dose weight/extraction time & adjusting accordingly is important.


  1. Get a small container/cup to place on the scales, then tare/level it off so it reads 0g.
  2. Place the container/cup under the grinder & begin your dose.
  3. Weigh the container to make sure the dose is between 22g & 23g. 
  4. If the weight is not within those figures, adjust the time of the dose on the grinder so that it falls between them.
  5. Once you have the correct weight, look at the extraction time of the coffee. 
  6. The shot should run between 28-32 seconds. If it is not within this time zone, you will need to adjust the grind.

If the shot time is too long, it means the grind is too fine.

If the shot time is too short, it means the grind is too coarse.


Coarse grind = Stones in a bucket.

Fine grind = Sand in a bucket.

Extraction time = The time it takes once the button is pressed for the shot to run.

Dose Weight = The weight of the ground coffee that comes out of the grinder when the button is pushed.

Dose Time = The length of time the grinder is programmed to grind for each dose. 

The machine is programmed to push the same amount of water through the coffee every time. How easily the water flows through the coffee will decide the extraction time. Water will flow through rocks much faster than it will sand, as there are bigger gaps for it to flow through.

Adjusting The Grind 

Each time the grind is adjusted to be either coarser or finer, it will affect the weight that comes out in the same time frame. Before adjusting the timing, ensure that the grind is accurate by free dosing to 21 grams & checking the extraction time. If the extraction time is within the desired range, then adjust the timing to get around 22/23 grams per dose. *Before testing the grind change, remember to purge 1-2 doses of coffee to ensure the coffee you’re extracting is relevant to the most recent grind change. In most cases, the old grind is still in the grinder chamber. So make sure you’re confident you’re dosing your grind to be able to accurately measure the change.

  1. If it is overweight, reduce the time programmed on the grinder.
  2. If it is underweight, increase the time programmed on the grinder.
  3. Adjust by increments of 0.1-0.3 of a second depending on how far it is from the desired weight.
  4. IMPORTANT – Only adjust the grind in single divots/slots/lines. Any major movements will throw off the grind & make your life a lot harder. Make a mark/note of where you begin, just in case it goes too far either way.

As you adjust the grind, you will need to repeat steps 1-6 until you are dialled in. 

The Dial Cycle

                                        Adjust Coarser/Finer 

    Check Dose Weight                                      Check Extraction Time 

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