Ukuni Women' Co-op in PNG

Ukuni Women’s Association – Embrace the Essence of Empowerment.

In the world of coffee, every sip can tell a story—a tale of culture, resilience, and empowerment. At Zentveld’s Coffee, we are passionate about sourcing exceptional beans that not only deliver exquisite flavours, but also carry a deeper purpose. Today, we are thrilled to introduce our Pacific Blend crafted in collaboration with the Ukuni Women’s Association, a remarkable cooperative in Papua New Guinea. This partnership not only highlights the unique flavours of the region but also celebrates the strength and ingenuity of women farmers in the coffee industry.

The Ukuni Women’s Association is a cooperative situated in the lush highlands of Papua New Guinea. Comprising of a group of determined and enterprising women farmers, the association has set out to create economic opportunities while fostering sustainable practices. Ukuni is an inspiring example of empowerment in the coffee industry, and as our ‘nearest neighbour’ as a coffee producing nation, Rebecca enthusiastically embraced the idea of supporting this Women’s Co-op, and happily chose to accept the higher price per kilo bean – rewarding the women for their efforts in producing beautiful arabica coffee up in the Western highlands. Coffee we love almost as much as the beans we grow ourselves!

Pacific Blend With a Purpose

Our new coffee blend showcases the distinct flavours that arise from the fertile volcanic soils and unique microclimate – particularly of Papua New Guinea. The Ukuni coffee beans offer a remarkable flavour profile that embodies the region’s rich biodiversity. Delicate undertones, vibrant tropical fruit notes, and a smooth, velvety chocolate finish create a captivating sensory experience. Living up to it’s namesake, Zentveld’s Pacific Blend offers a unique taste of our region, with the PNG Women’s Co-op beans joined by specialty Indonesian Mandheling, and rare Australian arabica beans from far north Qld and our very own Zentveld’s Estate here in Northern Rivers NSW. Each sip unravels the diverse flavours and cultural heritage of these lands, transporting you to the picturesque landscapes and vibrant communities.

Making a Meaningful Difference

Choosing our new Pacific Blend is not just about enjoying a remarkable cup of coffee; it is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact. We have chosen to purchase the full harvest ’22 lot available from our Importer, and for every kilo bag sold through our online store or at our coffee house, Zentveld’s will further donate $2 back to the Ukuni Women’s Association. Your purchase will directly provide them with extra resources, training, and opportunities for growth; enabling them to create a better future for themselves and their families. We look forward to sharing more details with you and any stories and pics shared as they become available over the months to come.

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